Making satire great again one item at a time. Our merch is so good, even your conspiracy theorist uncle might question his choices. Warning: wearing these may cause triggered tweets and unsolicited debates anywhere at anytime

  • More Than Just Merch

    This is a movement. We believe in using our voices (and our wardrobes) to stand up for justice, equality, and human rights. That’s why a significant portion of our proceeds goes directly to organizations supporting immigrants, Ukraine, Palestine, HBCUs, Congo, Sudan, and other vital causes. Fashion can be bold, and change can be loud.

    Some of the organizations we support include:

    • The International Rescue Committee (for immigrants and refugees)
    • United Ukrainian American Relief Committee (supporting Ukraine)
    • Palestinian Children’s Relief Fund (helping Palestine)
    • United Negro College Fund (HBCUs)
    • Congo Action Now (for Congo)
    • Sudanese American Foundation (for Sudan)
    Get in touch